PTA Meeting Summary, May 2024

Dear Sacajaweans,

To provide more timely recaps and updates following our monthly PTA meetings, the team has put together an overview of our May meeting. As you review the recap and meeting minutes, if  you have any questions, please feel free to email Heather Platisha, our PTA co-chair, at

We had a productive PTA meeting last week. Below is a summary of what we discussed. If you want all the details, please see the (not-yet-approved) draft of the meeting minutes.

1. Principal’s Update

During his time with us, Mr. Fisk answered questions and addressed concerns related to the announcement of the pending/potential school closures that were made on May 9th. Mr. Fisk, like us, is waiting on the June update from the school board, at which time we should know more. It's important to note that there is a small group of parents who attended the meeting and have expressed interest in forming a committee that would advocate on behalf of Sacajawea so that it would remain open/not at risk for closing. If you have questions or want to get involved, please email

Mr. Fisk also wanted to encourage community members to visit the school to check out the Tiny Villages art project our upper-grade students created with Mr. Ryan. We were told they are TREMENDOUS! 

Finally, he wanted to acknowledge our student council for all their contributions at school, from their participation in the Monday assembly to working with the maintenance staff to fix the toilet paper holders.

2. Volunteering Opportunities

We have an upcoming event that needs volunteers! The Art & Science Fair is June 1st, and we have several volunteer slots to fill.

Other current volunteer opportunities:

  • Packs for Kids (ongoing): Needs a Friday morning pickup driver; contact Karen Murphy.

  • Board positions for 2024-2025: We're looking for nominees for Co-chair, secretary, and treasurer positions for next year. Contact Heather Platisha, at

3. Committee Updates

  • Community Dinner and Auction: The dinner was terrific fun, and we raised $15k toward our annual goal. Thank you to everyone who participated!

  • Building Leadership Team:  In their most recent meeting, the BLT worked on a community survey to measure belonging at school. Keep an eye out for the survey to come home before the end of the year.

  • Parent Equity Team: The team is focusing on welcoming new families to Sac next year in a better way. Please consider taking their 5-minute survey to help guide our work next year.

4. Board Votes Taken

During this meeting, we voted on three items, detailed below:  

  • [Passed] First-grade books: A $2,000 grant to purchase 265 decodable readers, including fiction and non-fiction, to ensure that first-grade students have sufficient access to materials to support their reading journey.

  • [Passed] First-grade in-class experiences: A $500 grant to support classroom visits and discussions around current science lessons, including the Insect Guy and the Bremen Town Musicians.

  • [Passed] PTA Budget committee passed budget: The board voted to send the proposed $103k budget for 2024-2025 to the membership for a final vote in June. More details about this budget will be provided to the community in the coming weeks.

5. Upcoming Events

  • Art & Science Fair (June 1st): An amazing celebration of art, science, and math featuring interactive activities, delicious BBQ, sweet treats, and more. June 1st, noon, at Sacajawea on the lower playground. Be there! More details on the event page.

  • Ice Cream Social (June 12th): A fun way to celebrate the end of the year and our wonderful volunteers and educators.

  • Field day (June 14th): One of the year's most exciting events for students, featuring activities for all interests. And water balloons. So many water balloons.

6. Next Meeting

The Ice Cream Social on June 12th doubles as a general membership meeting. At that meeting, we'll vote as a general membership to approve the 2024-2025 budget and executive board by voice vote.

We appreciate your continued support and involvement in our school community.


Heather Platisha & Justin Pritchett

2023-2024 PTA Co-chairs