Spring Arts and Science Festival a Big Success

On Saturday, June 1st, we held our annual Spring Arts and Science Festival. The weather held out, and we were able to have a fun, engaging event! Roughly 200 members of our Sacajawea community showed up to make puppets and buttons, tye-dye fabric, race homemade cars, see student art on display, and eat treats and BBQ.

We have a huge thank you to Karen Murphy who organized this event along with the countless other volunteers who lent their time and skills to make this event a success. Also, thank you to Erik Evenson and Seth Bridges for the delicious BBQ lunch and to everyone who brought baked goods, served food, worked a station, assisted with set up and clean up. Without you, we couldn’t have done it!

Finally, a special thanks to Charlene Shanahan for coordinating our high school volunteers who helped to set up and run some of our tables. 

Please enjoy the pictures from the event below (thanks to Tiffany Elliot for taking pictures documenting our experiences).