Volunteer Spotlight: Karen Murphy

As a part of our ongoing series shining a spotlight on our Sacajawea volunteers, this week we’re featuring Karen Murphy, our Family Support Coordinator and an active member of our community. Here’s a condensed version of her conversation with newsletter editor Susan Heller Evenson.

SH: Can you share a little bit about you and your family and how you ended up at Sacajawea?

KM: Of course! My name is Karen Murphy; I am a 9-year Sacajawea parent- I have an 8th grader, Cleo (at JAMS), and a 4th grader, Leonie. My husband Chad and I moved to Seattle from the Bay Area and have a home in the neighborhood, and we love it here. 

SH: You do so much at Sacajawea! Can you share more about your volunteering/position within our community?

KM: I have been volunteering at Sacajawea for many years. It started as just showing up at events and helping with clean up. From there, I would go to the cut and chats to help the teachers, and soon much more.

I've been a room parent, a Girls On The Run school liaison, summer reading giveaway helper, ice cream social chair, PTA co-chair, member of the budget committee, auction student art co-lead, and more (not all at the same time!). 

Currently, I am gearing up for the Art and Science Fair (June 1st) and Ice Cream Social (June 12th)- join me? I'd love to work with you! (You can sign up to help here!)

I am also the Family Support Coordinator at Sacajawea which is a position that is funded by the PTA. This 4-hour-a-week role is an important position to help our families as needed: weekend food support, grocery assistance, and much more. 

SH: What sparked your interest in volunteering at Sacajawea?

KM: I teach at a cooperative preschool and did coop preschool with both of my daughters. Our focus in coop is building community, supporting families, and meeting children where they are. PTA shares those values, and there's something so special about working together for our community. Every little bit helps, and it's a bit of a snowball. Once you start, it's so enjoyable that you want to come back!

SH: What are some of your favorite hobbies or interests (or can be favorite books, movies, etc)?

KM: I love to read, and while I will read most anything, my favorite genre currently is memoir. The best book I read in the past year was A Living Remedy by Nicole Chung, which is a memoir with many themes: transracial adoption, found family, class, and, most of all, grief. If, like me, you had to endure a devastating illness and loss during the pandemic, you will find community in this book. I’m currently listening to Rebel Girl by Kathleen Hanna. I don't usually do audio books, but this is a good one (all the trigger warnings on this one). 

SH: What is your favorite thing about the Sacajawea community?

KM: My favorite thing about the Sacajawea community is how much we like one another. This is a supportive community inside and out of the building. We have a place for everyone here!