Current Approved Budget (2024-2025)

This budget supports the educational experience of every student at our school and is a representation of our PTA’s values of equity, collaboration, community-centricity, and transparency. We’re excited to continue investing in this school community.

This year, our budget is $103.5K, a 26.7% increase from last year’s budget of $81.7K. The largest areas of spending are:

  • Classroom Support, $33K. This includes funding for classroom supplies ($9K), teacher stipends and reimbursements ($19K), and specialist support for art, library, PE, and Music ($5K).

  • Staffing, $23.7K. This includes funding for Hourly Staffing and Tutors ($13K), Volunteer Coordinator ($7K), and Family Support Coordinator ($3K).

  • Family Support, $14K. This includes supplements and grocery cards for our Packs for Kids families ($10K) and scholarship funds for various programs throughout the year ($4K).

  • Arts and Culture, $9.5K. This includes Teacher Appreciation ($5K), Field Trip Buses ($2.5K) and Equity Team ($2.5K).


Previous Budget (2023-2024)

Our previous budget was $81,716, and our membership voted to approve the budget at our Ice Cream Social and General Membership meeting in June of 2023.

The biggest line items in this budget included:

  • $17,000: Insrumental Music for 4th grade

  • $13,034: Hourly staffing and tutors

  • $9,250: Teacher stipends

  • $7,667: Volunteer Coordinator


To see more details, please view the complete budget.