Proposed Budget and Exec Board for 2021-2022

At our May PTA board meeting, we reviewed and voted to put forward our budget committee’s proposed budget to a membership vote in June. The budget is roughly $80K (3% smaller than last year) and is fully funded through a combination of donations from this school year and roll forward from our current budget. The two biggest buckets of expenditure are Staff & Support ($38K) and Arts & Culture ($26K).

View the proposed budget.

Also at our May board meeting, we reviewed the nominating committee’s slate of nominees for our executive board. Each position has one nominee, and our members will vote to approve these nominees at our June general membership meeting.

The slate of nominees is:

  • Laura Riley: Co-chair, 2nd year of a two-year term

  • Karen Murphy: Co-chair, 1st year of a two-year term

  • Nicole Mackenzie: Treasurer, 2nd year of a two-year term

  • Karla Sclater: Secretary

We’ll vote as a membership on these items during our June 10th, 2021 Awards Ceremony and General Membership meeting. The meeting will be held at 7pm on Zoom. Please check your email for registration information.