Principal Friesen's Update, 11/29/18
/Dear Sacajawea Community,
Thanks to all who came to last week’s family conferences! Sacajawea teachers and staff have had many positive things to say about the time they spent with you last week.
I’d also like to extend a great big thank you to the Windermere Foundation! On Monday, Bill Cecil from Windermere presented $6,500.00 to our PTA to help with scholarships for after school enrichment, IslandWood and our school play. We want every child to have the opportunity to engage in each of these opportunities, and Windermere helps to make this possible. Here’s a picture of Mr. Walker accepting the check for our PTA.
I’d also like to highlight a special event for next week. As part of our Book Fair, we’ll have a Pizza and Games night on Thursday. Please come and visit the book fair, have some Pizza and play some games! Ms. Singh, our reading specialist, is preparing a display for that night that shows books at each reading level so families and students will have examples of just-right reading for every student. She will also be on hand at the book fair to assist kids and families in picking just right books. See below for more information about the Book Fair and Pizza and Games night.
In Partnership,
Rachel Friesen, Principal
Sacajawea Elementary School