Move-a-Thon Raises $27,747 (up to $29,047 with matching donations)

Amazing work, Sacajawea! We are incredibly close to reaching our $30,000 goal if everyone is able to submit their matching donations. Thank you all so much for your time and effort to help raise these critical funds for our school.

As promised, classroom winners were announced this week and each classroom listed below will be having a party to celebrate their accomplishments. Nice work everyone!! We raised more this year from this event than we did last year, even with fewer students. Woo hoo!

Raise the most money/most laps = Pizza Party

  1. Neal - $4221 and ave. 25.6 laps per kid

  2. Jackson - $4107.5

  3. Doss and Bermet tied with ave. 25.4 laps per kid

Most online requests set = Doughnut Party

  1. Jackson – 125 requests sent

  2. Bermet – 84 requests sent

Highest Class Participation – Ice Cream Treat Party

  1. Jackson – 91%

  2. Maynard – 89%

Looking forward to next year!