MLK Day Marching Resources for Sacajawea Families  

What’s Happening? 

We will meet at the ​Garfield Community Center playground​ on Cherry Street at ​noon​.  To take public transit, we recommend going to the UW Light Rail Station,​ ​as parking at UW is free for the holiday, then taking ​bus route 48​ (leaving from NE Pacific St & Montlake Blvd NE, across from the stadium).  Get off at 23rd Ave & E Cherry St and walk to the playground across the street.  From the playground, we will join the 12:30 pm march​ from Garfield High School.  If you only want to march halfway and you took public transit, you can stop at ​Cal Anderson Park​ and take the light rail back to UW.  If you march the whole way (about 2 miles) and join the rally at the end, you can take the light rail from ​Westlake​.

What Should You Bring? 

Overdress for the weather and bring lots of snacks for kids.   Bring ORCA cards or cash for public transportation.  Bring signs, musical instruments such as drums or other fun noise-makers, and wear your Sacajawea t-shirt.  The march will be very family-friendly!

If you are still a little nervous about bringing your small folks, check out these tips:

What Will We Bring?

  • We will take a group photo before the march starts.

  • We will have markers to write parent phone numbers on kids' arms (just in case!).

  • We will have a few extra snacks and drinks to share

Recommended Books and Media for Preparation: ng-jr-young-children

YouTube also has read-aloud books and clips such as:

Ideas for Slogans and Signs

Choosing simple, child-friendly slogans makes it easier for your kid to relate to the purpose of the march. Here are some ideas, but feel free to create your own! You can also print designs from websites like or the MLK March website ​ ​

  • I love naps but I stay woke (for babies and toddlers)

  • Black Lives Matter

  • Kindness counts

  • Books not bullets

  • We the people

  • Unity, Equality, Justice

  • Racism isn’t born, it’s taught

  • Future voter

Another idea is to put a quote from MLK on your sign:

  • Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

  • In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

  • Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.

  • I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.

  • Character is how you treat those that can do nothing for you.

  • Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war.

  • There comes a time when silence is betrayal.

  • Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.

Chants and Songs 

Making noise and singing songs can be one of the most fun aspects of marching with kids:

●      (Call and repeat each line)​ Everywhere we go /​ ​People want to know / Who we are / So we tell them / We are the people / The mighty, mighty people / Fighting for justice / And for liberation

●      (Call and repeat each line)​ What does marching do for me? / Build a strong community / One thing here is clear to me / people here have unity

●      (Chant) ​Ain’t no power like the power of people cause the power of people won’t stop! Say what? (repeat)

●      (Chant) ​The people / united / will never be divided

●      (Chant) ​Whose streets? / Our streets!

●      (Chant) ​Hey, Hey!  Ho, Ho! / Racism has got to GO!

●      (Song) ​We shall not, we shall not be moved / We shall not, we shall not be moved / Just like a tree that's planted by the water / We shall not be moved.

(verse 2)​ We're fighting for our rights, we shall not be moved / etc.

(verse 3)​ We shall all be free, we shall not be moved / etc.

●      (Song) ​Ain’t gonna let nobody / Turn me ‘round / Turn me ‘round / Ain’t gonna let nobody / Turn me

‘round / I’m gonna keep on walkin’ / Keep on talkin’ / Marchin’ into freedom land

(verse 2) ​ Ain’t gonna let no​ (insert obstacle) ​/ Turn me ‘round / etc.

●      (Song)​ If you miss me at the back of the bus / If you can’t find me nowhere / Oh, come on up to the front of the bus / I'll be sittin’ up there / I'll be sittin’ up there / Oh, come on up to the front of the bus / I'll be sittin’ right there

(verse 2)​ If you can’t find me in the schoolroom / If you can’t find me in there / Oh, come on out to the picket line / I’ll be marchin’ out there / etc.

About the March (​updated 1/20/2020) 

The annual MLK Day March and Rally at Garfield High School celebrates the life and legacy of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. with an opportunity fair, workshops, and pre- and post-march rallies. This year's event is in support of “20/20 Vision, to reflect the clarity of Dr. King's dream,” and your own vision for the future. These events are a low-barrier introduction to social justice action, and we hope everyone will consider bringing their family. Find more information at: