Heritage Potluck - Community Cookbook (Deadline 12/16th)

Each year the Parent Equity team organizes the Heritage Potluck. This event would usually have been a time when we gathered after school bringing a favorite family recipe to share. We would chat and get to know each other a little better and experience each other's lovely recipes. Gathering is still not allowed so we thought we would try a little something different.

The Parent Equity team would like to put together a community cookbook of your favorite recipes. Your student received a Recipe Sheet before Thanksgiving break. The Recipe Sheet isn't only for a recipe, it could be a shared memory, and a drawing related to a recipe or making of a recipe. The sheet tries to give kids of all ages a way to share a little of themselves and their families with the whole school community. We encourage family participation! If we get enough participation we will then create the cookbook and share it with anyone in the school community that would like one.

If you need a new Recipe Sheet or would like to submit more than one you can download one here:



Once you have completed your Recipe Sheet(s) please give them to your teacher or email them to Lori Phipps at lphipps01@gmail.com. Deadline for submitting a Recipe Sheet is December 16th.

We look forward getting to know you one recipe at a time.