For the 2024-25 school year, the PTA is providing two types of supplemental funding to homeroom teachers and specialists: stipends and reimbursements. We are continuing our long-running stipend program, which provides up to $500 in stipends paid directly to eligible teachers.
We are also introducing a new reimbursement program that provides up to $500 in additional funding for classroom expenses made using personal funds.
Who’s Eligible?
Homeroom teachers/leaders and specialists are eligible. This includes special ed homerooms in both K-5 and pre-K. Eligible educators will receive an email and a flyer in their Sac office inbox before the start of classes. Please let us know if we’ve missed you or an eligible colleague! (Julie Letchner;
How Much Funding?
The total supplemental funding is $1000, scaled by FTE status (e.g., a 1.0 FTE will receive $1000, a 0.75 FTE will receive $750, etc.). The total amount is divided equally between stipends and reimbursements.
How Do I Claim My Funds?
Stipends will be provided as a personal check from the PTA treasurer before the end of September.
Reimbursements will be provided on an ongoing basis within 60 days after a receipt for classroom expenses from personal funds is submitted. Reimbursements do require receipts. The eligible amount can be split across different receipts at different times throughout the year. There are no specific criteria defining eligible classroom expenses. Still, please consider that community support for this program in future years will be strengthened if the connection between these expenses and the educational welfare of our students is easily understood.
Submit receipts for reimbursement to Julie Letchner (
Each receipt should show the following: Store/company name, purchase date, each item purchased (with quantity), and the total paid amount, at the bottom.
Receipts can be submitted digitally (photos, .pdfs, etc.) or in person via the front office.
Why is the PTA Providing This Program?
We want to support our Sac educators with the materials you feel are most important to your classroom's success!
We are providing half of our funding as reimbursements for tax reasons. Specifically, the PTA can provide up to $500 annually in direct stipends to teachers without creating any complicated tax situations. The reimbursement program, new for the 2024-25 school year, is our way of increasing total functional funding to eligible teachers without these additional tax complications.