If you’re looking to contribute your time and talents, we have a role that will fit you. If you have any questions or want to raise your hand, we'll find the right role for your time, interests and talents! Contact Charlene Shanahan: cyshanahan@seattleschools.org.

Members of the BLT represent various stakeholders in our school community. Each member stays on the BLT for two years. Their responsibilities are to help with decision making around budget, our Continuous School Improvement Plan, and Professional Development. In addition, they oversee many of our schoolwide decision-making processes. Works closely with teachers and principal.  Time commitment: Participate in bi-weekly online meetings with BLT group. Meetings are the first and third Thursdays of the month 2:45 – 3:45 p.m. (Parent reps may trade off to attend one meeting a month.) 

Building Leadership Together (BLT)

Grades K-2 Rep

Tracks opportunities for PTA and family engagement in advocacy issues (e.g. curriculum, school boundaries, crosswalks, lunch for all, etc.); supports efforts for families to be involved (e.g. postcards, emails or phone calls to officials; speaking at School Board meetings).

Advocacy / Legislative


Plan and leads PTA-sponsored events, including: back to school potluck (September), family dance party (April), ice cream social (June), special event speakers (TBD), and other events as appropriate.


Committee Co-Lead

Supports special education families and seeks opportunities for PTA collaboration with special education families. 

Special Education Liaison

Committee Lead

Apply to grants for funding that supports our mission. We have a number of grants that we apply for annually. Additionally, find new grants to support initiatives.


Committee Co-Lead

Plan event for students to showcase their work to families in March. (Can be reinvented! Past fairs included marshmallow catapult contest, food truck, bake sale.)

Math and Science Fair

Committee Co-Lead