Congrats to our 2024 Award Winners

Congratulations to our PTA Award Nominees and Winners! At Sacajawea, we are fortunate to have so many dedicated and amazing individuals who contribute their time and energy to make our school community thrive.

This year, we are thrilled to recognize eight exceptional people whose efforts have made a significant impact. We truly appreciate each and every one of you for your unwavering commitment and hard work. Let's celebrate their achievements and dedication to making Sacajawea a better place for all our children.

Golden Acorn Awards

Tiffany Elliot. We are thrilled to honor Tiffany Elliott, mother of Elsa and Clara, for her exceptional contributions to our PTA this year. Tiffany undertook the challenging task of updating, editing, and publishing our membership directory—a job that is far from easy. She not only streamlined the process but also took on the immense responsibility of compiling the directory, ensuring it was accurate and comprehensive.

At PTA meetings, Tiffany stands out for her thoughtful and direct questions. Her insights and opinions during this year's budget discussions were invaluable, demonstrating her deep commitment to our community. Beyond meetings, Tiffany's presence is a constant at all events. She jumps in wherever needed, whether it's setting up, cleaning up, making donations, or handling classroom requests.

Her dedication doesn't stop there; Tiffany is always thinking about how to make Sacajawea a better place for our children. Every time we reach for our directory, we are reminded of Tiffany's hard work and unwavering support. We are deeply grateful for her contributions and her tireless efforts to enhance our school community.

Julie Letchner. We are delighted to recognize Julie Letchner, mother of Parker, Will, and Arthur, for her exceptional contributions to our school community. As a dedicated member of both the Building Leadership Team (BLT) and the PTA board, Julie brings valuable insights and asks thoughtful questions during meetings, making her an indispensable part of our leadership.

Julie’s commitment extends beyond meetings—she is a reliable volunteer at events and field trips, and her outstanding baking talents are a highlight at Gotcha Parties and school functions. For the past two years, Julie has spearheaded the Educator Appreciation Week festivities, ensuring that our staff feels genuinely appreciated. Her creative treats and Sac-themed board games have garnered rave reviews, adding a fun and personal touch to the celebrations.

Julie, your creativity, thoughtfulness, and dedication make you an integral part of our school. Thank you for all you do to make Sacajawea a wonderful place for our educators and students alike!

Katie Klumpp. We are excited to honor Katie for her innovative contributions to our PTA, benefiting all students and families. Katie has introduced fresh ideas, most notably spearheading the school supplies bulk purchasing effort. This initiative not only saves money for families but also ensures that classroom teachers have all the supplies they need right from the start of the school year.

In addition to this, Katie has stepped in to assist with grant writing and organizing Walk to School Day whenever there was a need. Her friendly presence on the playground and at events makes her a welcoming figure that others are naturally drawn to. Katie’s thoughtful and caring approach ensures that her efforts and time are focused on making the most significant impact.

Katie, we deeply appreciate your creativity, dedication, and commitment to our PTA mission and core values. Thank you for all you do to enhance our school community!

Educator of the Year: Faosiyah Madres

This year, we are thrilled to celebrate Faosiyah Madres as our rock star Educator of the Year! Part of our dynamic First Grade team, Ms. Madres joined Sacajawea last year after many years of teaching at John Rogers, and we feel incredibly fortunate to have her.

Ms. Madres brings a love of reading, art, and discovery to her lessons. During Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Heritage Month, her class “traveled” to different countries in Asia each week. Her students learned to count to ten in various languages, tasted different foods, and created art inspired by those countries. They even shared their newfound knowledge at our whole school assembly!

One parent shared, "Our child absolutely adores Ms. Madres, and we hear a LOT about her at our house. She puts so much effort into making every aspect of school as engaging and fun as possible for the kids. Why say 'person across from you' when you can say 'peanut butter and jelly partner'?"

What truly sets Ms. Madres apart is her genuine care for her students. When one student had to be out of school for two weeks, Ms. Madres took the time to Facetime with her, cheering her up during a tough time. "We will always be grateful to her for making Room 3 a space where our child feels loved," the parent added.

In addition to being an amazing teacher, Faosiyah is also incredibly crafty. For Book Character Spirit Days, she outfits all the K-2 teachers with her creations. She has also brought the festive tradition of the Ugly Holiday Sweater Contest to our staff, with her homemade creations always impressing everyone. It’s a fun team-building activity as we all discuss how we can possibly top her designs!

Thank you, Ms. Madres, for bringing joy, care, and wonder to both your classroom and the staff room. You are a shining light at Sacajawea, and we are so grateful for everything you do!

Roy Norman SHINE Awards

The Roy Norman SHINE Award is given in honor of Ms. Norman’s (our Admin Secretary of many years) late husband. Roy was an amazing man who fully embodied the SHINE principles at Sacajawea of being Safe, Helpful, Inclusive, Neighborly, and Engaged! Roy was an amazing man and the type of person who would jump in to help anyone, anywhere. He fully embodied the SHINE principles at Sacajawea of being Safe, Helpful, Inclusive, Neighborly and Engaged!

Liz Riggs Meder. We are delighted to honor Liz Riggs Meder, mother of Madison, for her invaluable contributions to our PTA over the years. Liz has been an integral member of the PTA board, serving as both a BLT representative and PTA Secretary. Her caring input and thoughtful insights are deeply respected and valued by everyone.

Liz’s dedication goes beyond her official roles. She can be found at all our events, always ready to volunteer and chaperone field trips. Despite her many contributions, Liz tends to downplay her efforts, but her impact on creating a welcoming Sacajawea community is significant. She truly shines in everything she does.

Thank you, Liz! Your natural ability to shine inspires so many of us to do the same. We are grateful for your commitment and the positive energy you bring to our school community.

Elizabeth Bailey. We are thrilled to recognize Elizabeth Bailey, affectionately known as Ms. EB, for her remarkable contributions as an Extended Resource Instructional Assistant. Joining us this year, Ms. EB has quickly become a beloved member of the Sacajawea community. Her positive presence in our classrooms and her dedication have not gone unnoticed. Here are a few highlights from the many nominations she received:

  • She brings a positive energy to our classrooms, always cheering us on and setting high expectations.

  • Ms. EB goes above and beyond to take care of everything, often anticipating needs we didn’t even know we had.

  • She deeply cares for her students, inspiring admiration and respect. One parent shared, “My daughter tells me so many stories about what Ms. EB teaches her, and I can tell my daughter admires her.”

  • Her colleagues praise her as the hardest working, kindest, and overall greatest instructional assistant they have ever worked with, noting that she is a joy to be around and will make an amazing teacher.

Thank you, Ms. EB, for shining so brightly and being a wonderful role model for both students and adults. Sacajawea is a better place with you here!

Jessi Friedrichs. Last year, Jessi received the Golden Acorn award, and this year, due to the overwhelming nominations recognizing her continued incredible volunteering, we are excited to honor her with the SHINE award! Jessi is a fixture in our community, contributing to the Move-a-thon, serving as PTA treasurer, organizing the auction, fundraising, and acting as a room parent—Jessi is everywhere!

One nomination particularly highlighted Jessi’s introduction of a new PTA budgeting process as a standout achievement. This challenging, emotional, and draining task was handled with grace, setting the PTA up for smoother operations in the years to come.

Thank you, Jessi! Your engagement and dedication to our Sacajawea community are unmatched. We are deeply grateful for all you do!